Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Little Green Friend

Pic from The Filthy Critic
I thought people were writing some pretty loose reviews before Return of the King. But! No movie has elicited such autistic responses as these:

1. Kevin 'I'm in love with my world-view' Smith - REVIEW

Includes winners like:
This flick is so satisfyingly tragic, you'll think you're watching "Othello" or "Hamlet".
"Sith" doesn't happen; "Sith" rules.

2. Alex 'I've met Steve Buscemi' Sandell - REVIEW

Includes typical fan-boy shit, like:
It's a cinematic masterpiece that will be forever remembered as one of the best movies ever made.
The audience will shed tears as often as they will grant applause.

There's even a Hayden Christensen 'nipple watch' in his review!
Oh fucking c'mon!

To bring you back down to reality, here is a great little day-by-day journal the Filthy Critic is writing in response to all the Star Wars fanaticism:

3. The Filthy Critic - REVIEW + JOURNAL


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