Saturday, March 26, 2005

He Who Dies With The Most Toys...

Pic from Tony's Trading
Tony gets a lot of crap for having such a curious life pursuit. Some see it as materialism to its absolute extreme, while others are willing to except him as a fantastic creative person with an interesting outlet for his artistic energies. In any case, Tony's highly developed sense of organization and material exploration cannot be denied.


To those few who have had unkind words to say - is your life as full ?

He also wants to quit his day job... No surprise:

If there are any Millionaires or Billionaires out there wondering what to do with their spare millions, I would be very grateful if they'd consider giving me some! I would like to spend more time expanding this site, so any donations towards this goal, so that I can give up work and concentrate on the site would be most welcome!

The archive begins here.

It starts out normal enough, but soon becomes increasingly wonderful/psychotic with each additional collection.


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